SSCMetcon – Mon, Feb 5
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Lifestyle Challenge Week 4
No screen time 30min before bed – this includes phone/tv/computer/kindle…anything that gives off blue light
Bik/ski 1:00
Banded shoulder press series
*elbow circles (facing away from rig)
*reach across (facing away from rig)
*scap retract (facing rig – hand at low back)
Banded press +
Bike/ski 1:00
Banded Hip Distraction
Banded Monster walks
Banded IR/ER
Banded Kick Back
5 empty barbell back squats
5 jump squats
7 empty barbell bench press
20 med ball chest pass with partner
Back Squat
5 sets x 3 Back Squat @80% of Heavy Single
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *
Bench Press
5 sets x 3 Bench Press @80% of Heavy Single
* Complete a set on the 2 minutes *
5 rounds for quality:
20 medball deadbug
rest as needed