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SSCMetcon – Mon, Dec 12

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm Up

750m row/ski – increase intensity even 250m

1 rd:

5 inchworm + 4 scorpion

5 each sa db deadlift

15 thoracic pushups

:10 sec top of ring support

5 ea sa db swing

7 ea sa thoracic pushup

5 jump to support slow negative

5 ea sa db hang power clean

15 Banded horizontal row

Db Specific warmup:

*coach feet wide and feet narrow

3 dbl db dl

3 dbl db swing

3 dbl db hang muscle clean

3 dbl hang power clean

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2-k Row/Ski

In what is remaining of 20 min., perform AMRAP:

12 DB Hang Power Cleans (50/35lb.)

7 Ring Dips

we are pushing the pace on the row today – do not save your energy for the amrap – push it on the first 500 back off for the next 1000 then finish strong on the last 500.

Choose a Hang Power Clean load that you can perform unbroken sets for the first few rounds, and then break them up into no more than 2 sets. Dips will start out unbroken then will have to be broken up into 2 sets.

looking for 6-7 rounds of the couplet


For the next 2 weeks we will work on being inverted

1. Death by Handstand Hold – In Partners

P1 Performs 10 second Hold

P2 Performs 10 second Hold.

Each round, add another 10 seconds. So round 2 they will hold 20 seconds and so on.

(looking for holding up to a minute so scale accordingly)

2. Handstand Stability – 3 rds

10 Shoulder Shrugs in Handstand Hold

20 Alt. Hand Releases in Handstand