SSCMetcon – Fri, Sep 16
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Row 250m
:20 sec deadhang
12 scap pushups
:20 sec lat active
12 elbow plank to downdog
12 Lat Pull-ups
Row 250m
20 banded good morning
10 pvc pass thru
20 banded pull – aparts
10 pvc around the world
10 ea crossbody banded pull – aparts
10 pvc prone pass thru
10 Behind the neck banded press
7 PVC progressive waiter squat
10 kip swings – building
7 PVC progressive Ovhd Squat
5 Jumping pull-ups or 3 strict pull ups
5 Progressive Ovhd Squat
3 Kip swings + 1 pull-up x 2
5 Front Squat
Turkey Challenge online qualifier 22.3 (Time)
Complete for time:
50 Calorie row
50 Barbell front squats 105/75
50 Pull-ups
50 Barbell overhead squats 105/75
Time cap: 15 minutes