SSCMetcon – Fri, Jan 13
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
2 rds:
Foam Roll upper back
Foam Roll Hamstrings
20 Ostrich Walk
10 ea single leg bw deadlift
Foam Roll Calves
20 tippy toe walk
20 heel walk
30 mini jumps
wod prep:
20 single jumprope
20 singles side to side
20 singles front to back
:20 sec straight arm plank
7ea Suitcase DL
20 lofty singles
10 single single double
10 double unders
5 Plank Walkouts
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
KB Suitcase DL (70/53)
Ring Body Rows
Choose a weight on the KB that you can move for the whole 20 sec – even if the pace you are moving slows down.
For the DL do one whole round on right side then switch for next rd.
Score is the lowest score for each tabata added up
20 Alt V-ups
20 alt cossack squat- add weight if you want