SSCMetcon – Fri, Apr 5
CrossFit Steamboat – SSCMetcon
Warm Up (No Measure)
bike/ski 1:30
lacrosse ball
hollow arch
wrist pinned elbow/shoulder screw
20 thoracic pushups
10 glute bridges
10 side plank rotations
5 tempo ring rows
5 tempo bench press
5 temp box dips + 10 sec hold
5 ea segmented db row
Metcon (Time)
75 Bench Press (135/85)
*Every time you break, complete
10 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (50s/35s)
-Rest 5:00-
75 Ring Rows
*Every time you break, complete
10 Bench Dips
Choose a weight for the bench press that you can do 15 reps unbroken when fresh. You want to be doing sets of 5-0 through out the workout. DB rows should be done unbroken. Legs will be straight for box dips – bend knees to make it easier
Posterior Leg Accessory (Checkmark)
10 Minute EMOM
:40 of Hamstring Walkouts, :20 rest
:40 of Glute Bridges, :20 rest
For quality, not reps.