Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds For Quality:
–5ea Spiderman Lunge + Rotation
–12 Plate Ground to Overhead
–9 Plate Squat + Press Away
–6 Knee Hand Release Push Ups
Specific Deadlift Warm Up 1x:
–5-10 Shin to Knee
–5-10 Deadlift
Rope Climb Progression
to their working weight for the day in both the back squat and deadlift.
Metcon (No Measure)
26 min AMRAP:
800 m Row
60 Deadlifts
40 Push-ups
20 Goblet Lunges (each side)
10 Rope Climbs
(modify to single arm ring row with twist ea)