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OLY 2/25/2016

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – Olympic Lifting

Clean (3 position cleans )

(60%x1+1+1, 65%x1+1+1, 70%x1+1+) x 2 waves

Push Jerk (Rack jerk behind the neck + jerk)

RACK JERK BEHIND NECK+JERK: TAKE BAR OFF RACK FROM THE BEHIND NECK POSITION PERFORM 1 JERK….LOWER THE BAR TO THE FRONT POSITION AND DO 2ND JERK: 1+1 X 5 SETS. You select the weight to be used. Proper footwork and drive thru and under the bar is critical here.

Clean Pull (90%x3, 95%x3, 100%x3)

these are of your best clean. Focus on position as well as getting speed thru the middle. Make the bar “sing to you!”

Metcon (Time)

Box jumps: 25 reps