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Call Us: 970-819-0243


By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon


Warm-up (No Measure)

Dynamic Warm Up 1x:

–1:30 bike/ski

–:10 sec Bent Knee Side Plank+5 rotation + 5 Hinge

–Turkish Sit-up +3 Screwdriver 3x ea

–5 Plank to Downward Dog

–10 Hop Up

–10 Straight Leg Sit Up

–:20 sec Dead Hang

Dynamic Warm Up 1x:

–:45 bike/ski

–:10 sec Bent Knee Side Plank+5 rotation + 5 Hinge

–Turkish Sit-up +3 Screwdriver 3x ea

–5ea Single Arm Reverse Lunge + Strict Press

–5 Up/Down

–10 Goblet Squats

–:20 sec Lat Active

Toes to Bar/ Thruster/Burpee Specific Warm Up 1x:

–10 Romanian Deadlift

–5 Hang Power Clean

–5 Front Squat

–5 Push Press

–5 Thruster (resetting at the shoulder each rep)

–5 Thruster (touch & go off the shoulder each rep)

–3 Burpees

–6 Kip Swing

–2xs 3 Kip Swing + 1-2 Kipping Knee Raise

–2xs 3 Kip Swing + 1-2 Toes to Bar or Kipping Leg Raise

–3 Bar Facing Burpees

Workout Prime/Movement Prep 1x: (optional)

–3 Toes to Bar or Variation

–3 Thrusters @ workout weight

–3 Bar Facing Burpees


Metcon (Time)

2 rounds for time of:

20 Toes-to-bars

30 Thrusters, 115/75 lbs

40 Bar Facing Burpees

Time Cap: 17min

Break movements up today from the beginning. 2-3 sets for ttb and 3-4 sets for thrusters. Load should be light to moderate. Don’t spend any more than 4 min on the burpees.


Warm-up (No Measure)

Week 2; PU and HSPU Open Prep

4×5 perfect reps, rest as needed between sets

Pull-Up Mods/Progression;

-Ring Rows

-Kipping Ring Rows + Big Kip Swings (do both)

-Jumping Kipping Pull Ups

-Pull Ups


HSPU Mods/Progression;

-Seated DB Z-press

-Pike HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)

-Box HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)

-HSPU Negatives


-Strict HSPU