Monday 12/19/2022
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
100m straight leg row/ski
1:00 foam roll thoracic
5 inchworm + 3 plank to downdog
10 PVC pass-thru
100m straight leg row/ski
100m straight armrow/ski (exaggerated squat ski)
1:00 foam roll thoracic
10 PVC Pass Thru
10 Banded Pull-aparts
10 ea Banded pull across
100m straight leg row/ski
(exaggerated squat ski)
PVC/Barbell Warmup (pvc then barbell)
1 from each: down andhang
-stand squeeze butt
– shrug
– high pull
**focus on how to come
downpause at down position
– 3 behind the neck snatch drop
– 3 high hang power snatch
– 3 hang power snatch
**focus on how to come
downpause at down position
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
24 min AMRAP:
250m ski/row
3 hang power snatches (135/95lb)
Long workout today – nothing is a sprint – settle into a good pace. The hang power snatch should be a bit on the heavier side – something you have to think about for a second before picking it up – settle the heart rate. We want you to try and go unbroken for as long as possible knowing at the end you may be doing singles.