Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 Round:
–:90sec Bike/Ski Erg
–10 Bootstrapper
–:20sec Dead Hang
–8 Goblet Squat
–8ea Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press
–6ea Single Arm Bent Over Row
1 Round:
–:90sec Bike/Ski Erg
–5 ea Sky Reach
–10 Scap Pull Up
–8 Goblet Squat
–20 Plank Shoulder Taps
–6ea Plank Rows
Kipping Pull Up Teaching Progression 1-2xs:
–:20sec Bent Knee Hollow Hold
–:20sec Arch Hold
–6 Kip Swing
–6 Kip Swing + Press Down
–2xs 3 Kip Swing + Pull
–3 Kipping Pull Ups or Variation
Specific Wall Ball Warm Up 1x:
–Have athletes set up finger tips away from the wall.
–5 Medball Squats
–5 Medball Push Press
–5 Wall Ball
Movement Prep/ Workout Prime 1x:
–6 Wall Balls @ workout weight
–3 Kip Swing + 1-2 Pull Ups
–6 Wall Balls @ workout weight
–3 Pull Ups or Variation
Metcon (Time)
For time;
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Alternating DB Plank Rows (35/25)
35 Wall Balls
35 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls
20 C2B
CAP 14:00
****you will then get on a bike for a little recovery work until the clock hits 20 min. Working at RPE 6.
Goal today is to stay moving even in the bigger numbers- breaking up wall balls and pulling movements into strategic/intentional sets vs going for max effort and burning out. Choose a weight on the rows that you can cycle 10+ reps at a time in the first few sets.