Friday 09/08/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
2:00 bike/ski
2-3rds low back/hamstring series
:30 sec deadhang
15 shoulder flexion
:30 bent knee hollow
:30 sec deadhang/lat active
15 shoulder abduction
:20 superman
:30 sec lat active
15 shoulder flexion
:20 hollow hold
5 arrested kang squats
5 wall ball deadlift
5 wall ball kang squat
5 wall ball deadlift to knee
5 wall ball over the shoulder
10 kip swings
10 ring rows
3 jumping pull-ups
10 kipping hanging knee raise
5 wall ball front squats
5 wall ball push press to a target
5 wall ball
3 kip swings + 1 kipping hanging knee raise +1 kipping pull-up
3 kip swings + 1 kipping straight leg raise + 1 kipping pull-up + 1 chest to bar
Metcon (Time)
Affiliate Version of “Pig Chipper”
For time
10 Balls Over the Shoulder (100/70)
15 Chest to bar Pull Ups
25 Toes to Bar
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
25 Toes to Bar
15 Chest to bar Pull Ups
10 Balls Over the Shoulder (100/70)
Time cap: 18 minutes