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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Friday 09/01/2023

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

1:00min bike/ski

Foam Roll Thoracic

:45 min bike/ski

Foam Roll calves and shins

:30 bike/ski

Foam Roll Lats

10 little hops

10 big hops

10 knee circles ea

:10 sec deadhang+ :10 sec lat active + 10 lat pull-ups

20 alt straight arm raises in childs pose

5ea db scap wrap

4 alt box step ups

4 box jumps – low box

10 ring rows

5ea 1 scap wrap + 1 press +

10 kip swings – pretty shapes

5 kip swings – break at knee and hip

5 kip swings w/hip pop

2 hip pops+ 1 kipping pull-up

1 Kipping pull-up + 1 ctb

1 ctb + 1 bmu

3 strict press + 3 push press

3 box jumps – high

coach push press:

pvc – rig:

5 down – pause (upright chest)

5 down up fast (upright chest)

5 push press


5 down – pause (upright chest)

5 down up fast (upright chest)

5 down up fast with shoulder shrug

5 push press

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Sets

1:30 AMRAP

Partner 1: 6 Push Press (135/95)

Partner 2: 6 Box Jumps (30/24)

*Both complete and switch


Max Kipping Chest to Bar / Bar Muscle Ups/ Ring Muscle Ups

-rest 1:30 between rounds-

Banded Pull-ups = 1/2 rep

Kipping Pull-up = 1 rep

Kipping Chest to Bar/Strict Pull-up = 2 rep

Bar Muscle Ups = 4 reps

Ring Muscle Ups = 5 reps

Choose a weight that you can get all push press unbroken