Wednesday 08/09/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
20 tippy toe walks
20 heel walks
50 singles
20 walking quad stretch
10 up/dog to childs pose
20 alt childs pose straight arm lifts
10 calf raises
10 sl calf raises
50 singles
20 walking figure 4
10 inchworm
15 forearm plank to downdog
with barbell:
3 pause clean grip deadlift (mid shin, knee, high hang)
3 muscle from high hang
3 muscle from knee
3 muscle from mid shin
3 front squats
with barbell:
3 pause clean grip deadlift (mid shin, knee, high hang)
3 tall clean drops
3 power from high hang
3 power from knee
3 power from mid shin
3 squat cleans
3 strict press
3 push press
3 push jerk
3 split jerk
Clean and Jerk
1RM Clean and Jerk
Metcon (Time)
7 rounds
7 Push Press (95/65)
7 Burpee over Bar
49 Double Unders
Time cap: 16 minutes