Saturday 07/22/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
foam roll calves/shins
20 tippy toes walks
20 heel walks
10 calf raises
10ea single calf raises
50 jumprope
10 up dog to childs pose
:20 bent knee hollow
10 plank to downdog
:20 plank
10 table top rotations
:20 hollow
10 forearm plank to downdog
:20 quadruped hold
5 clean grip deadlift
5 clean shrug
5 clean high pull
5 muscle clean
5 cross – stop (cross at elbows – hands at hips- rope needs to make it under toes)
5 cross jump – stop
5 crossovers
3 strict press
3 push press
3 push jerk
3 clean and jerk
Metcon (Time)
cash in:
200 crossovers
Clean and Jerk
mens weights:
125, 155, 185, 205, 225
womens weights:
105, 125, 135, 145, 155
50m dball carry in between each (100/70)
*time cap: 25min
cash out:
10 min class relay 50m hill sprint
**share the crossovers as needed
**split clean and jerks as needed – each partner then has to do the 50m dball carry- one person at a time
**teams sprint together – one team going at a time. Once team gets to the 50m mark – the other team can start. Walk down