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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Tuesday 07/11/2023

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

ski 2 min

barbell elbow/bicep

single arm hang with rotation

2 position squat on rig x3

:20 bent knee side plank

:15 supinated grip deadhang

10 supinated grip lat pull-ups

10 ea db lat pull back

5 Bootstrappers + 3 sec pause

10 bent knee side plank hinge

:15 supinated grip lat active

10 supinated grip lat pull-ups with pull back

15 banded lat pull-down

5 db dl

5 db swing

5 db clean

5 db press

4 db snatch

4 alt db snatch

10 kip swings

3 kip swings + 5 kipping knee raise to hip

3 kip swings + 5 kipping knee raise to armpit

1 kip swing + 1 kipping knee raise to armpit + 1 ttb


Front Squat

5 sets x 2 Pause Front Squats @75% of 1RM

Pause for 2 seconds at bottom of each squat

Rest as needed between sets

Strict Weighted Chin up

5 sets x 3 Strict Weighted Chin-ups @60-70% of 1RM

* Rest as needed between sets *

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

30 Toes to bar

Time cap: 12 minutes