Tuesday 07/04/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
200m walk as a group
5 inchworm
5 plank to downdog
5ea slow groiners
20 tippy toe walk
20 heel walk
3ea 2 position calf stretch
10 calf raise
5ea single leg calf raise
run 200m as a group
4 alt box step ups
8 air squats
8 kb dl
4 box jumps
4 front rack wall ball
4 wall ball push press to a target
4 wall ball
4 Russian kbs
4 kbs
Morrison (Time)
50-40-30-20-10 Reps For Time
Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
Box Jumps (24/20 in)
Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
In honor of U.S. Army Specialist Scott Morrison, 23, of Blue Ash, OH, died on September 26, 2010
To learn more about Morrison click here
Time cap: 30 minutes