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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Thursday 06/29/2023

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

Foam roll – thoracic

:45 sec bike legs only

10ea single leg raise

10ea single leg crossover

5 roll over v-sit

:20 sec plank

:30 sec bike arms only

10ea single leg raise on the rig IR/ER

10ea thoracic rotations

:20 sec forearm plank

:45 sec bike

10 straight leg sit-ups

10ea banded thread the needle

10ea banded thoracic rotation

:20 quadruped hold

:20 sec deadhang

5 dragon flags

:20 sec lat active

5 dragon flags

5 kip swings

5 kipping hanging knee raise to hip

5 kipping hanging knee raise to armpit

3 kipping ttb

Pistol warmup:

foam roll inner knee

foam roll shins

short lever calf smash

banded ankle distraction

Mayhem Affiliate version of 2023 Semifinals Workout 7 (Time)

Mayhem Affiliate version of 2023 Semifinals Workout 7

3 rounds:
12/10 Calorie Bike
15 toes-to-bars
50m DB bear-hug carry (100/70)
Time Cap: 10 min

We are pushing the pace today – go hard on the bike and try to go unbroken or 2 sets on the ttb.

Skills and Drills

Pistols: Week 2


5 sets

20-30 seconds bottom of the pistol hold (each leg)


5 sets

10-20 seconds bottom of the pistol hold (each leg)


5 sets

10-second bottom of the pistol hold (each leg) (Use band/box/ rig to assist in any way)