Thursday 06/22/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 min machine
low back series
2 rds:
5 inchworm
5 bootstrappers
5 plank to downdog + pike hold
5 deadlift
5 squats
3 handstand negatives
5 sets of 2 Deficit Deadlifts @70% of 1RM
Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups
5 Sets:
30-40% reps of Max Unbroken Reps (SHSPU)
The prescribed deficit is 4” for men and 2” for women.
Metcon (Calories)
5 Sets
2:00 Amrap
30 Air Squats
Max Calorie Bike
-Rest 2:00 between sets –
We have a 1:1 work to rest ratio today. You want to have at least a minute if not more on the bike. We are shooting for 18/13+ calories on the bike each round.