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Call Us: 970-819-0243

Saturday 06/17/2023

By wodify 0

Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

1:00 Row (hinge, half slide, full slide)

10ea lying leg raises

10ea lying leg crossover

5 roll over v-sit

1:00 Ski (arms, hinge, squat)

10 plank to downdog

10 Thoracic pushups

20 childs pose single arm raise

:30 row sprint

5 clean grip deadlift

5 clean grip shrug

5 muscle clean

:30 ski sprint

3 Strict Press

3 Push Press

3 Push Jerk

Metcon (Time)

Teams of 2

80/65 Calorie Row

30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

600m Farmers Carry (53/35)

100/80 Calorie Row

600m Dball Carry (100/70)

30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

80/65 Calorie Row