Tuesday 06/13/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1:00 bike – arms only
10ea KB Hip Opener
10ea Bent Knee Side Plank + Hinge
10ea dumbbell bent over row
1:00 bike – legs only
10ea KB Hip Opener
10ea Banded Hip IR/ER
10 Banded Lat pull-down with slow eccentric
1:00 Bike
10ea KB Hip Opener
10 tempo goblet squats
10ea bicep curl eccentrics
3 tempo front squats
:20 sec supinated dead hang
3 pause front squats
6 rings rows
3 front squats
3 jumping chin ups
Front Squat (3 Tempo Front Squats x 5 sets @65% of 1RM
*Tempo = 3 second negative and 1 second standing (contraction) portion
* Rest as needed between sets
*super set with strict weighted pull-ups )
Strict Weighted Chin up
Weighted Strict Chin Up (Supinated)
5 Strict Weighted Pull-ups x 5 sets @50% of 1RM
* Rest as needed between sets *
Metcon (Time)
2 Sets
Kettlebell Front Squat (2×53/35)
Calorie Bike
-Rest 1:1 between sets-
Time Cap:15 min
This is going to be brutal on the legs – choose a weight that you can go unbroken on the squats. You will rest as long as it takes you to complete the first round. The goal is for both sets to be completed in around the same time.