Monday 06/12/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Foam roll calves and shins
20 Tippy Toe Walk
20 Heel Walk
10 Calf Raises
10ea single leg calf raises
20 toe raises
30 singles
30 lofty singles
Barbell roll forearms/biceps
10 lying leg swings ea
10 lying leg crossover ea
10 straight leg sit-ups
:10 sec deadhang + :10 sec lat active + 10 lat pull-ups
10 kip swings building
5ea single leg jump rope x 4
Single Single double x 4
10 dragon flags
10 double unders
3 kip swings + 3 knee raise (to hip)
3 kip swings + 3 knee raise to armpit
1 kip + 1 knee to arm pit + 1 ttb x 2
2 ttb
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
12 min AMRAP:
50 Double Unders
Toes to Bar
Looking to get into your 20-30 rep range for ttb. This will get grippy. Break ttb up on the bigger sets early. This is a good day to scale the number of du if you have them but 50 is too many – we want these done unbroken or 2 quick sets.
2 DB strict press
5 Weighted DB hip thrusts + 2 sec iso hold after last rep