Tuesday 06/06/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
100′ high knee karaoke
50′ high hurdles
50′ Knee to Chest
50′ Figure 4
50′ 1 arm reach lunge
50′ lunge with torso twist
50′ Toe Touch
50′ high knee in place high knee lean
50′ butt kicks in place high knee lean
50′ straight leg shuffle
100′ side shuffle – stay low
100′ side shuffle – upright arms up
:20 seated arm swings
:20 standing arm swings
50′ toe out elevated heel walk
50′ toe in elevated heel walk
50′ heel walk
50′ toe walk
50′ outside of feet walk
50′ inside of feet walk
50m 12′ toe plant shuffle
3x 25m run 25m jog slow down walk back
Metcon (10 Rounds for time)
Every 3:00 x 10
100m Sprint
Target is to finish each run between 20-30 sec.
4 rounds for quality:
10 db hammer curls
10 banded tricep extensions
20 db Russian twists
:40 sec plank