Friday 05/19/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
bike/ski 2:00
supine hip/hamstring series
bike/ski 2:00
4 inch worm + up dog to childs pose
10 plank shoulder taps tight + 10 rotate
5 prone shoulder series
10 progressive bootstrappers
10 cossack squats passive + 10 strict
:30 bottom squat hold
5 prone shoulder series
Behind the neck strict press
Behind the neck push press
ovhd squat
snatch balance
wod prep:
3 dl
3 mu cln
6 elbow punches
3 pause front squat
wrist series
1/4 wall walk
3 dl
3 power clean
3 front sq
1/2 wall walk
full wall walk
Snatch Balance
5 sets of 2 Snatch Balance (light/moderate)
* Complete 1 set every minute for 5 minutes
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
10 Front Squats (115/75)
Wall Walks
Time Cap: 13min
Front squats will be taken from the floor. These should be done unbroken every round. Wall walks will get challenging at the end requiring some rest between reps. This is a good day to scale reps if necessary for wall walks. 1-1-2-2-3-3-4