Friday 05/05/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
row/ski 1:00 straight arm
10 reach to the sky touch your toes
10 up dog to childs pose
7 ea kb dl
row/ski 1:00 straight leg
10 quick inchworms
10 alt scorpion
7 ea kb swing
row/ski 1:00
10 plank to downdog
10 swimmers
7 ea kb snatch
pass thrus
around the world
behind the neck snatch grip squat
behind the neck snatch grip press
1/4 ovhd squat
1/2 ovhd squat
full ovhd squat
5 behind the neck snatch grip push press
5 snatch balance
1 behind the neck snatch grip push press
1 snatch balance
Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance
10-15 Minutes
5 working sets: 1 Snatch Push Press + 1 Snatch Balance
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
For Time:
50 Burpees
75 KB Hang Power Snatch (35/25)
rest 3 min
Row 1000m
Time Cap: 18 min
Steady pace on the burpees and the snatch. Push it on the rower. Split the kb snatch up however you want