Friday 03/30/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike/ski :30
foam roll hip flexors
hip flexor stretch
banded hip flexor march
Bike/ski :30
foam roll hamstrings
PNF hamstring stretch
Bike/ski :30
psoas smash
Banded 7’s
alt v-ups
shuttle sprint easy
banded 7’s
dragon flags
shuttle sprint easy
coach split jerk
Split Jerk
10Minutes of Practice
– Stay light and focus on form
– between sets 3 behind the neck PVC jerks
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
50 GHD’s
50x 25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar
Time Cap:12 min
Scale for GHD’s will be stick sit-ups today. Hip Flexors and abs are going to get worked today – if you need to scale number to keep intensity up do so. Break up the ttb into small sets from the beginning. Shuttle sprints – just keep moving.