Wednesday 03/29/2023
Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Bike/ski 2:00
2 rds:
5 hollow arch stretch on the wall
7ea Ballerina Stretch on the wall
1:00 ea hamstring smash on barbell
14 Alt Lunges
14 Lat Pull Ups
12 Alt. Box Step Ups
7 Ring Rows
5 Box Step Over (no weight)
5 Box Step Over (light dbs)
5 Jumping Strict Pull Up
Burgener Warmup – Clean
3 of each
Down and up
Elbows high and outside
Muscle clean
Tall power cleans
Tall clean
Skill transfer exercises – clean/front squat
3 of each -From the rack
no hand front squats
Front squats
Pause front squats
1 ½ squats
In the hole squats
Finish with a 10 sec squat down to the jhook
3x High Hang Clean
– power ride it down
-full squat clean
3x Hang Clean
– power ride it down
-full squat clean
3x Clean
– power ride it down
-full squat clean
Squat Clean
– Heavy Single (10-12 minutes)
* Rest as needed between sets *
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
15:00 AMRAP:
Strict Pull Up
Dumbbell Step Over (2x 50/35 to 20”)
RX+: strict chest to bar
Stimulus: Looking for 4+ rounds. This is going to be tough on the grip and on the shoulders – don’t let these low reps of pull-ups fool you – they are going to add up quick. You want to be able to do that first set of 5 unbroken. DB step ups try to find a good rhythm and move thru quickly – you don’t want to hold onto those db’s any longer then necessary.