Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
EMOM x 9 minutes:
Minute 1- :45sec Row/Ski Erg
Minute 2- 6 Dumbbell Z-Press + 10 Supra Front Raises
Minute 3: 5 ea Bent Knee Side Plank w/ Rotation + 5 Goblet Squat
General Dumbbell Warm Up 1x:
–5ea Single-Leg DB Deadlift
–5ea Single-Arm Dumbbell Row
–5ea Single Side Dumbbell Squat
–5ea Single-Arm Dumbbell Strict Press
Specific Dumbbell Warm Up 1x:
–5 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thruster (right)
–5 Single-Arm Dumbbell Thruster (left)
Box Jump Specific Warm-Up 1x:
–10 Straight Leg Calf Raises w/ 3 sec pause
–10 Bent Knee Calf Raises w/ 3 sec pause
–10 Little hops – 10 Big Hops
–4 Alt step ups w/ jump down
–5 Box Jump (Step Down)
Movement Prime/ Workout Prep 1x:
–3ea Single-Arm Dumbbell Thruster @ workout weight
–5 Box Jump
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time of:
10 L/10 R Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, 50/35 lbs
20 Box Jumps, 24/20 in
Time Cap: 17 min
Choose a weight that you can do thrusters unbroken on each side with minimal rest between sides. Smooth and steady on box jumps.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds, 20 secs per station, for max reps of:
R Lateral Med Ball Throw, pick load
Rest 10 secs
Hollow Hold
Rest 10 secs
L Lateral Med Ball Throw, pick load
Rest 10 secs
Forearm Plank Seesaw
Rest 1 min