Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
2min on any machine
Partner Medball Warm Up 1x:
–1 min Partner Medball Chest Pass
–:30 sec per side Partner Medball Lateral Toss
–1 min Partner Russian Twist + Medball Sit-Up & Toss
–1 min Partner Medball Squat + Toss
–1 min Partner Burpee + Medball Underhand Toss
1min on any machine
Coaches choice Hip/Ankle Mobility
Wall Ball Progression 1x:
–6 Medball Squats
–6 Medball Push Press
–3 Wall Ball (focus on distance from wall)
–3 Wall Ball (focus on how wall ball is kissing the wall)
–3 Wall Ball (focus on neck position)
–3 Wall Ball (focus on depth of squat and elbows up)
Coaches Choice Calf/Feet Warming Stretching
Box Jump Specific Warm-up:
–10 Little Hops
–10 Big Hops
–4 Alt Step Ups
–4 Alt Step Ups w/ jump down
–4 Box Jumps (focus on depth of landing)
–4 Box Jumps (focus on width of feet in landing)
Workout Prime/ Movement Prep 1x:
–3 Wall Ball
–3 Burpees
–3 Box Jumps
–3 Burpees
Metcon (Time)
For time:
100 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
100 Box Jumps, 24/20
Every 1 min (starting at 0:00) complete:
3 Burpees
Time Cap: 15min
GUESS WHAT……you get to split this up however you want!!! You can do all the wall balls then the box jumps…you can do wall balls one minute and box jumps the next or you can do wall balls and box jumps in the same minute. You are just chipping away at the reps. Make a plan before you start.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds for quality of:
1 L/1 R Pike Around-the-Worlds
5 L/5 R Plank Reach Throughs
5 L/5 R Kneeling Kettlebell Wraps, pick load