Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 Round:
–4 Sumo Inchworm
–:20sec Arch Hold
–10 Pike Compression
–5ea Spiderman Lunge + Rotation
–:15sec Hollow Hold
–10 ea Single Leg Lifts on rig with IR/ER
Medball Clean Teaching Progression 1x:
–6 Medball Deadlift
–6 Medball Deadlift & Shrug
–6 Medball Front Squat
–3 Medball Shrug & Pull Under
–3 Medball Clean
Toes to Bar Teaching Progression 1x:
–6 Kip Swing
–2x 1 Kip Swing + 1 Kipping Knee Raise
–2 x 1 Kip Swing + 1 Kipping Straight Leg Raise
–2 x 1 Kipping Straight Leg Raise + 1 TTB
Workout Prep/Movement Prime 1x:
–4-6 Medball Clean @ workout weight
–4 Toes to Bar or Variation
–200 Meter Ski @ workout pace
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time of:
40 Med Ball Cleans, 20/14 lbs
20 Toes-to-bars
400m Ski Erg
Time Cap: 18 min
Medball cleans are going to get HARD – this is a fast dynamic movement. They are sneaky. Break them up early but take quick rests and keep moving.