Steamboat Strength and Conditioning – SSCMetcon
Warm-up (No Measure)
Easy AMRAP x 8 minutes:
–30 Plyo Skier
–10 Plate Squat + Press Away
–5 Romanian Deadlift
–5 Bent Over Row
–5 Muscle Clean
–3 Strict Press
Clean and Jerk Warm Up 1x:
— Coach Jerk
–2 Pause Power Clean + 1 Pause Clean + 2 Push Press
–2 Pause Hang Power Clean + 1 Pause Hang Clean + Push Jerk
–2 High Hang Power Clean + 1 High Hang Clean + 1 Jerk
–1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk
Reverse 3-Position Clean Build Up Sets 1x:
–2 3-Position Clean @ 35%
–1 3-Position Clean @ 45%
–1 3-Position Clean @ 55%
–1 3-Position Clean @ 60%
Reverse 3 Position Clean & Jerk
Take 15 min to work on
Reverse 3 Position Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Use the same weight for each set – around 60% but you can adjust as needed, the high hang clean will be the limiting factor. You can power clean or squat clean, athletes choice. Reps go floor, hang, then high hang. Do the Jerk only after the rep from the high hang.
Speal Bike Test (Calories)
Bike Calorie: 4 x 4 mins / 1 min
4 mins of work followed by 1 min of rest for 4 intervals.
Score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.
– Goal is max average wattage divided by your bodyweight in kilos for a score of 1-5. 1-2 means you need some focused work on conditioning, 3 is good but could still use some attention to cardio, 4-5 is great!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Week 3; PU and HSPU Open Prep
3×7 perfect reps, rest as needed between sets
Pull-Up Mods/Progression;
-Ring Rows
-Kipping Ring Rows + Big Kip Swings (do both)
-Jumping Kipping Pull Ups
-Pull Ups
HSPU Mods/Progression;
-Seated DB Z-press
-Pike HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)
-Box HSPU + :10 HS Holds (do both)
-HSPU Negatives