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CFSBMetcon – Wed, Sep 11

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

1 min bike (:30 arms only :30 legs only

foam roll quads and hip flexors, shest opener

20 walking quad stretch

20 walking figure 4

20 knee squeezes

10 up downs

banded shoulder series

20/20/20 bike

5 syncro burpees partner

343 (AMRAP – Reps)

For Time – Teams of 2:

343/275 Calorie Air Bike

– Every 3:00 (including at 0:00), stop and perform 11 Synchro Burpees

Teams can switch on the bike as often as desired, but every 3 min (including zero), both partners must stop and perform 11 synchro burpees.

This workout was written in honor of the 343 firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11/2001 in the terrorist attacks on New York City.

Time cap: 32 minutes


:30ea scorpion hold

:30ea static quad stretch

:30ea static hip flexor stretch