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CFSBMetcon – Mon, Sep 16

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

bike/ski 1:00

20 ostrich walk

10ea lunge hamstring flow

20 fast calf raises

20 lateral hops

10 db deadlift

bike/ski 1:00

7ea stationary lunge taps

7 up/downs

7ea single leg lateral hops

7 db swings – from the ground

bike/ski :30

10 alt lunges

3 pause burpees

10 lateral hops over dumbbell

7 db cleans – from the ground

3 db press + 3 db push press + 3 push jerk

bike/ski :30

10 db alt lunge

3 burpee over the db

3 db ground to overhead – clean and jerk

3 db ground to overhead – snatch

Turkey Challenge online qualifier 24.2 (AMRAP – Reps)

20 Minute AMRAP:

10 Double Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (50/35)

50ft Double Dumbbell Farmers Walking Lunge

15 Burpees over Dumbbell


20 Minute AMRAP:

10 Double Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (35/25)

50ft Double Dumbbell Farmers Walking Lunge

15 Burpees over Dumbbell

20 min is a long time – going unbroken is ok and resting in between movements or you can break reps up early to try and keep a consistent pace

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 scorpion stretch/side

1:00 child’s pose stretch