CFSBMetcon – Fri, Nov 15
CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon
General Warm-up (No Measure)
bike/ski :45
:20 supinated grip deadhang
8ea shoulder series
5 barbell deadlift
5 muscle clean
5 lat pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 plank to downdog
5 tripod
3 tripod knee lift
bike/ski :45
:20 supinated grip deadhang
8ea shoulder series
5 tall drops
5 power cleans
5 front squat
3 squat cleans
3 kip swings + 3 hand release
3 kip swings + 1 kipping pull-up
3 kip swings + 1 kipping pull-up + 1 ctb
3 pike handstand pushups
Handstand Specific Warmup (No Measure)
rx –
:20 sec handstand hold
negatives – handstand to headstand
negatives + knee tuck
1 kipping handstand pushup
2 kipping handstand pushup
intermediate –
BOX – feet on box hips stacked – hips higher then feet
:20sec pike hold
20 alt Shoulder taps
3x Walk out to Plank + 3 plank to downdog
pike handstand pushup
beginner –
:20 pike hold
:20 plate overhead hollow hold
10ea seated db arnolds press
5 dbl db z press
10 min to find a heavy clean – can be squat or power
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
– RX –
8 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
8 handstand push-ups
8 pull-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 Ring Rows
4 DB shoulder presses (20/15)
Stretching (No Measure)
1 set:
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm
– TRAVEL – (No Measure)
8 DBL DB Rows
8 handstand push-ups
– 1 shuttle run = 25 ft down + 25 ft back.