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CFSBMetcon – Tue, Jul 9

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

bike :45

:30 deadhang

10ea shoulder series

10 slow groiners

bike :45

Ski: 45

:30 lat active

10ea shoulder series

10 banded lat pull-downs

ski :45

wall ball:

front squat

push press to target

wall ball catch – elbows high

wall ball – ball kisses wall

wall ball – hip crease below knee

wall ball- neck

bar mu:

kip swings

jump into hollow

shift into arch after hips pass rig

pull knees up and pull down on the bar

push the feet down

once you can see the bar bend elbows and sit-up

take 5-7min to practice bar mu

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 sets (Every 2:30)

15/12 Calorie Air Bike

5 Bar Muscle Ups

Max Wall Balls (20/14) in Remaining

Looking to get 100+ reps on the wall balls. Try to finish the bike in about a minute. Choose a scale for bmu that allows you to go unbroken. Today is also a good day to scale reps. You want to have at least a minute to accumulate wall balls.