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CFSBMetcon – Tue, Jul 23

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

foam roll calves /shins/inside of knee

ski :45

20 tippy toe walk

20 calf walk

10 alt step ups

10 alt supine tabletop rotations

:30 deadhang

10ea shoulder series

box hollow/arch

ski :45

10ea knee circles

10 little jumps

10 big jumps

3 box jumps

4 box jump overs

10ea leg swings

:30 lat active

10ea shoulder series

ttb warmup:

kip swings

kip swings + knee raise to hip

kip swings + knee raise to armpit

kip swings + 1 knee raise to armpit + 1 ttb

kip swings + 1 ttb + kip swings

kip swings + 2 ttb

wod prep:

3 bjo

3 ttb

50m run

Metcon (Time)

For Time:


Box Jump Overs (20)


Toes to Bar

*200m Run after each round

Time cap: 20 minutes


3-4 rds for quality:

20 Half Kneeling KB Horn Bicep Curls

12 ea KB Reverse Grip Row