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CFSBMetcon – Tue, Dec 10

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Holiday Stress DECOMPRESS (No Measure)

Get a point for every :30 sec you spend stretching . The point of this is to DECOMPRESS during the busy holidays. Take some time to quiet the mind and give your muscles some love.

Every day we will recommend three stretches – spend some time on them. Write your name on the whiteboard and record your points

seated forward fold

extended leg supine twist

saddle pose

Warm Up (No Measure)

bike :20:20:20 (arms/legs/both)

single leg raises

single leg crossovers

roll over v-sit


plank hold

bike 20:20:20 (easy/mod/hard)

hamstring flow series


hollow hold

kickstand single leg db dl

deadlift – hip to knee

deadlift – knee to midshin

single leg db dl

pausing deadlift


load the bar

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


4 Rounds for Reps:

1 min Bike Calories

1 min Deadlift (185/125)

2:00 Rest


4 Rounds for Reps:

1 min Bike Calories

1 min Deadlift (135/95)

2:00 Rest


4 Rounds for Reps:

1 min Bike Calories

1 min Deadlift (95/65)

2:00 Rest

Looking for 10+ calories on the bike and 10+ deadlifts. Push the pace on the bike – don’t pace – then hold on for the deadlifts. Deadlifts should be done in 3 sets.

Accessory (No Measure)

3-4 rds for quality:

:30-:45 handstand hold

15 GHD sit -ups or v-ups

TRAVEL (No Measure)

4 Rounds for Reps:

1 min Walking Lunges

1 min DB Deadlift (use 2 db’s)

2:00 Rest