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CFSBMetcon – Thu, Oct 24

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

General Warm-up (No Measure)

bike/ski 1:00

green band shoulder series +squat

:20 jumping jacks


90/90+ heel tap

90/90+ hip up

childs pose with straight arm lift

quadruped hold

bike/ski 1:00

2 position rig/thoracic

:20 mountain climbers

bent knee side plank hold

bent knee side plank + hinge

bent knee side plank + rotation

childs pose with straight arm lift + rotation

floating quadruped hold

Karen (Time)

For Time:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
Time Cap: 12min

Skill Work (No Measure)


8 sets:

:20 weighted sit-ups

:10 rest

– TRAVEL – (No Measure)

For time:

150 single-arm DB thrusters

– Switch arms as needed.

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 couch stretch/leg