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CFSBMetcon – Tue, Nov 19

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

General Warm-up (No Measure)

bike :20/:20/:20

tippy toe walk/heel walk

leg swings


shoulder series

plank to downdog

bent knee hollow hold

banded monster walks

bike :30/:30 with band

jump rope

single leg raises on rig

lat active

shoulder series

forearm plank to downdog

hollow hold

air squats


muscle clean

elbow punches

front squats

strict press


lofty singles

single single double

double unders

kip swings

kip swings + knee to hip

kip swings + knee to armpit

kip swings + knee to armpit + ttb

kip swings + ttb + kip swings

kip swings + 2 ttb

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

– RX –

Every 5:00 for 5 rounds:

10 thrusters (115/75)

10 toes-to-bars

20/16 cal bike

40 double-unders

– Rest the remainder of each round.


Every 5:00 for 5 rounds:

10 thrusters (95/65)

5 toes-to-bars

20/16 cal bike

20 double-unders

– Rest the remainder of each round.


Every 5:00 for 5 rounds:

10 thrusters (45/35)

10 hanging knee raises

12/8 cal bike

40 single-unders

– Rest the remainder of each round.

Looking to have minimum 1:00 rest. Try to do movements unbroken with a quick rest between movements.

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 frog stretch

1:00 seated pike stretch

1:00 cobra to down dog

– TRAVEL – (No Measure)

Every 5:00 for 5 rounds:

10 DB thrusters

15 sit-ups

200-m run

40 double-unders

– Rest the remainder of each round.

– Use two dumbbells.