CFSBMetcon – Thu, Feb 6
CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon
Warm Up (No Measure)
bike :20/:20/:20
banded ankles
lateral banded lunge series
bike :20/:20/:20
lunge taps
tempo abmat situps
step back lunges
Back Rack Step Back Lunges
5 sets
8 Back Rack Step Back Lunges (moderate weight)
-8 reps total, alternate legs each rep
– Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
Metcon (Time)
60/48 Calorie Air Bike
90 Strict Sit Ups
60/48 Calorie Air Bike
Time cap: 16:00
50/40 Calorie Air Bike
75 Strict Sit Ups
50/40 Calorie Air Bike
40/32 Calorie Air Bike
80 Sit Ups
40/32 Calorie Air Bike
Target time: 13-15 minutes. Finishing the bike in 3-4 minutes – hard time cap at 5 min. Sit-ups will take 3-4 minutes as well. Arms will be crossed across chest
Mobility (No Measure)
3 minutes of easy cardio (this can be walk, a slow row, machine ride, etc.)
1 Minute Seated Biceps Stretch
1 Minute Couch Stretch
1 Minute Foot Smash
Seated Biceps Stretch
Couch Stretch
Foot Smash