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CFSBMetcon – Fri, Dec 13

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Holiday Stress DECOMPRESS (No Measure)

Get a point for every :30 sec you spend stretching . The point of this is to DECOMPRESS during the busy holidays. Take some time to quiet the mind and give your muscles some love.

Every day we will recommend three stretches – spend some time on them. Write your name on the whiteboard and record your points

double flat needle


door pec stretch

Warm Up (No Measure)

bike/ski 2:00

banded pec shoulder series

inchworm + scorpion

10 thoracic pushups

10 plank rocks

10 glute bridge

db segmented row

db bench press

db fly


Shock Method (Press) (4 Rounds for weight)

4 sets:

6 Bench Press (Heavy)

12 Push Ups

25 Bench Dumbbell Fly (light)

-Rest 2:00 to 2:30 between sets-

Score = weight of the Bench Press. You can increase weight or stay the same across all 4 sets.

Strength day – we are treating this as a superset so just a short rest between movements then a long rest between sets. Push ups can be done in 2-3 sets.