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CFSBMetcon – Mon, Sep 23

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

General Warm-up (No Measure)

:30 ski/bike

:30 unweighted good mornings

:30 calf raises – slow down

:30 reach, roll, lift

:30 bike/ski

:30 up-downs

:30 table top rotations

:30 plank rocks

:30 ski/bike

:30 burpees

:30 shuttle run

:30 3 plank rock + strict down

single arm db deadlift

single arm db swing

single arm db clean

single arm db press

single arm db snatch

alt single arm db snatch

coach diff alt options

coach muscle and power

coach hand release pushup

Meton (AMRAP – Reps)

4 rounds for reps:

1:00 shuttle runs

1:00 alternating DB snatches (50/35lb)

1:00 hand-release push-ups

1:00 ski erg calories

1:00 rest

– 1 shuttle run is 25 ft out and 25 ft back.

Looking to get 10+ db snatches and 10+ hand release pushups

Stretching (No Measure)


2:00 reach, roll, and lift

– AT-HOME – (No Measure)

4 rounds for reps:

1:00 shuttle runs

1:00 alternating DB snatches (50/35 lb)

1:00 hand-release push-ups

1:00 walking lunges

1:00 rest

– 1 shuttle run is 25 ft out and 25 ft back.

Work Your Weakness

– STRENGTH I – (No Measure)

For load:

Snatch, clean, or jerk:

5 reps x 2 sets at 50-60%+

4 reps x 5 sets at 60-70%+

3 reps x 3 sets at 70-80%

– Welcome to week three of our Strength I cycle. Continue to stick with the lift you chose in week one. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.

– Use a recent one-rep-max to find your percentages.

– If you choose to clean in this session, consider performing the power clean because you’ll squat clean in partner Badger.

– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.

– Rest as needed between sets.

Shoulder Press (- STRENGTH II –
For load:
Shoulder press
– The final set should be the heaviest.)

– Welcome to week three of our Strength II cycle where we will continue to shoulder press for four total weeks.

– Your goal is to find a heavy 1-rep shoulder press. This may not be a 1-rep-max but find your heavy 1-rep lift for the day.

– STRENGTH III – (No Measure)

4 sets:

5 weighted strict chin-ups

10 barbell bent-over rows (overhead grip)

10 Cuban presses

15 barbell skull crushers

– Sub-15:00.

– Prioritize unbroken sets and smooth movement.

– Use an empty barbell for the bent-over rows and the skull crushers.

– Use a PVC or empty training bar for the Cuban presses.

– SKILL I – (No Measure)


5 deficit handstand push-ups

:20 L-sit hold

– Use a challenging option for the handstand push-ups that still allows you to complete at least 5 rounds.

– The L-sit hold should be completed in three sets or less.


– Deficit handstand push-ups: Handstand push-ups, pike push-ups

– L-sit hold: One leg extended, knees tucked to chest, plank hold

– STAMINA I – (No Measure)

20 sets for distance:

:40 standing bike

:20 seated bike

– Grind it out on the standing bike. Then, get in the saddle and try to push the pace for the remaining time.

– Push for 6,000 meters or more.