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CFSBMetcon – Sat, Sep 14

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

ski/bike 1:00

4x 1 Inchworm + 3 Plank to Downdog + heel pump (x4)

10 childs pose single arm raises

10 glute bridge

:30 deadhang

10ea shoulders

ski/bike 1:00

10ea knee circles

10 Little Hops

10 Big Hops

4 Alt. Step Ups

2 box jumps

:30 deadhang

10ea shoulders


Hang shrug

hang high pull

hang muscle

tall drops

high hang power clean

hang power clean

Metcon (No Measure)

Teams of 2:


1200/1000m Ski Erg

AMRAP- You go, I go

3 Box Jump Over (30/24)

50′ Sled Push


1200/1000m Ski Erg

AMRAP- You go, I go

3 Hang Power Clean (155/105)

3 Strict Chin Up (RX+ strict CTB)