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CFSBMetcon – Wed, Oct 16

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

General Warm-up (No Measure)

5 cat/cow with rock back

5 up dog/childs pose

5 plank to downdog + heel pump

5 progressive bootstrappers

5 air squats

10 little hops + 10 big hops + step up + box jump

3 jumping pull-ups

3 kb deadlift + kb hip pop + russian + kbs

6 walking-lunge steps

5 kip swings + kipping hanging knee raise + knee to elbow

3 strict press + 3 push press

3 supermans

3 wall ball front squat + 3 wall ball push press + 3 wall ball

3 up/down + 1 pause burpee + 1 burpee

30 single unders

Filthy Fifty (Time)

For time:

50 box jumps

50 jumping pull-ups

50 kettlebell swings

50 walking-lunge steps

50 knees-to-elbows

50 push presses

50 back extensions

50 wall-ball shots

50 burpees

50 double-unders

Men: 24-inch box, 16-kg KB, 45-lb. push press, 20-lb. ball

Women: 20-inch box, 12-kg KB, 35-lb. push press, 14-lb. ball
Time Cap: 30min

Stretching (No Measure)


1:00 sit and reach (right leg)

1:00 sit and reach (left leg)

1:00 sit and reach (straddle)

– TRAVEL – (No Measure)

For time:

50 jumps to, or over, an object (20/24 in)

50 single-arm DB hang power cleans (35/50 lb)

50 DB swings

50 walking-lunge steps

50 lying knees-to-elbows

50 single-DB push presses

50 Supermen

50 single-DB thrusters

50 burpees

50 double-unders