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CFSBMetcon – Sat, Jul 13

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

walk run 200

10 plank to down dog

10ea lat pulses

10 lying leg raises

10ea lying leg crossover

5 roll over v-sit

5ea stationary lunge taps

10 alt walking lunges

dball warmup

Metcon (Time)

Teams of 3

20 Rope Climbs (Or 60 Strict Pull Ups)*

100 DBalls over the shoulder 100/70

1600m Run (together)

100ft DBall Walking Lunge (each) 70/50

*For the rope climbs/pull-ups and dballs, share the reps any way. Non-working athletes must hold plank (elbows) while work is done.