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CFSBMetcon – Sat, Aug 3

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm Up (No Measure)

walk/run 200m

2 position calf stretch

table top rotations

plank to downdog

:20 deadhang

:20 handstand hold

db dl

db up/down

db burpee

db swing

db clean

db press

db snatch

devils press

kip swings

kip + knee

kip +knee to armpit

kip + knee to armpit + ttb

kip + ttb + kip

kip + 2 ttb

Metcon (Time)

Partner Workout

1600m Run (together)


5 rounds

15 Synchro Single Arm Devils Press (50/35)

30 Toes to Bar (*Partner must hold a Handstand)


1600m Run (together)