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CFSBMetcon – Mon, Sep 9

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

1 min ski erg

Lacrosse ball shoulder blades/banded 7’s

10 PVC pass throughs

5 PVC around the world

:30dead hang

10ea shoulder series

5ea thread leg under/ swoop over

10 ea ir/er hips

:30 lat active

10ea shoulder series

5 air squats

3 mini kip swings

3 big kip swings

3 kip swings slight knee bend and pop

3 kipping pull-ups

with PVC

5 snatch pause deadlifts

5 shrugs

5 high-pulls

5 muscle snatch

5 behind the neck press

2 ¼ OHS, 2 ½ OHS 2 OHS

coach the chest to bar/practice

with barbell

3 snatch pause deadlifts

3 shrugs

3 high-pulls

3 muscle snatch

3 behind the neck press

2 ¼ OHS, 2 ½ OHS 2 OHS

3 tall snatch (drop lower each time)

3 snatch balance (drop lower each time)

3 squat snatch

build to workout weight

Metcon (Time)


Snatch (115/85)

Chest to Bar

* The Snatches are Squat, not Power

Time cap: 12 minutes


15 Bootstrappers

1 Min Couch Stretch

1 Min Ring Lat Stretch