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CFSBMetcon – Mon, Dec 2

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

General Warm-up (No Measure)

Bike/ski 1:00

20 tippy toe walk

20 heel walk

30 singles (front back/side to side )

20 singles (scissor)

10 singles (lofty)

10 alternating Samson lunges

20 shoulder taps (static/dynamic)

10 plank to downward dog

10 dead bugs

10 single-single-double-unders (or attempts)

10 du

plank to pike walk

tempo abmat sit-ups

on the wall:

plank to downdog

walk feet up wall

walk hands back so shoulders are stacked under hips (body is in an L position)

practice shoulder taps in this position

Skill Work (No Measure)



50 alternating wall-facing handstand shoulder taps


Handstand walk (150 ft)

Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For time:

120 double-unders

30 sit-ups

6 wall walks

100 double-unders

25 sit-ups

5 wall walks

80 double-unders

20 sit-ups

4 wall walks

60 double-unders

15 sit-ups

3 wall walks

40 double-unders

10 sit-ups

2 wall walks

Time Cap: 15min


For time:

50 double-unders

30 sit-ups

3 wall walks

40 double-unders

25 sit-ups

3 wall walks

30 double-unders

20 sit-ups

2 wall walks

20 double-unders

15 sit-ups

2 wall walks

10 double-unders

10 sit-ups

1 wall walks


For time:

50 single-unders

10 sit-ups

3 inch-worms + push-ups from the knees

40 single-unders

10 sit-ups

3 inch-worms + push-ups from the knees

30 single-unders

10 sit-ups

2 inch-worms + push-ups from the knees

20 single-unders

10 sit-ups

2 inch-worms + push-ups from the knees

10 single-unders

10 sit-ups

1 inch-worms + push-ups from the knees

– MASTERS 55+ –

For time:

90 double-unders

30 sit-ups

6 scaled wall walks

75 double-unders

25 sit-ups

5 scaled wall walks

60 double-unders

20 sit-ups

4 scaled wall walks

45 double-unders

15 sit-ups

3 scaled wall walks

30 double-unders

10 sit-ups

2 scaled wall walks

Practice double unders today – 2:00/1:30/1:30/1:00/1:00. If you need to scale the wall walks to keep moving do so. Push the pace on the sit-ups

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

2:00 foam roll quads

:30 foam roll calf/side

:30 figure-4 glute foam roll/side

– TRAVEL – (No Measure)

For time:

120 double-unders

30 sit-ups

6 wall walks

100 double-unders

25 sit-ups

5 wall walks

80 double-unders

20 sit-ups

4 wall walks

60 double-unders

15 sit-ups

3 wall walks

40 double-unders

10 sit-ups

2 wall walks

– Substitute with 10 ft of handstand walking per 1 wall walk if no wall space is available.

Work Your Weakness

– STRENGTH I – (No Measure)

For load:

Snatch, clean, or jerk:

5 reps x 2 sets at 50-60%+

4 reps x 3 sets at 60-70%+

3 reps x 2 sets at 70-80%
– Welcome to week four of our Strength I cycle. For these eight weeks, stick with the lift you chose in week 1. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.

– Use a recent one-rep-max to find your percentages.

– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.

– Rest as needed between sets.

-Strength II- (No Measure)

For load:

Bench press

– Welcome to week four in our Strength II bench press cycle; this is a de-load week.

– Use a weight in each set so that you can maintain solid technique with very little deviation. This loading will vary for each athlete.

– Perform a new set every 3 minutes.

– Even though this is a de-load week, a spotter is always a good idea. If you are alone, be sure to not push to failure and be smart about the load you are lifting.

– STRENGTH III – (No Measure)

4 sets for load:

15 weighted GHD hip extensions (25/45 lb)

10 back-rack reverse lunges

– Use a load for both the hip extensions and the reverse lunges that allows for unbroken sets. Start lighter and increase loading across all four sets.

– Take the barbell out of a rack if you are able.

– SKILL I – (No Measure)


5 deficit handstand push-ups

:20 L-sit hold

– Use a challenging option for the handstand push-ups that still allows you to complete at least 5 rounds.

– Complete the L-sit hold in three sets or less.

– Use this as a skill/technique-building session vs. a metabolic conditioning workout.

– Scale deficit handstand push-ups to regular handstand push-ups, negatives, or pike push-ups as needed.

– Scale L-sit hold to one leg extended, knees tucked to chest, or a plank hold as needed.

– STAMINA I –  (No Measure)

10 sets for time:

300-meter row

– Rest 1:00 between sets.

– Score is your slowest round.

– Keep each interval under 1:20.

– Maintain close to the same pace across all intervals.

– If you cannot complete multiple sets of the 300-meter distance in under 1:20, scale back the distances by 50-75 meters.

– Use today’s session to develop consistency, working to maintain the same pace across all distances.

– Run substitutions: 300-m run, 700-m bike