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CFSBMetcon – Wed, Aug 28

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

1 min straight leg row

foam roll thoracic

thoracic/shoulder series on foam roller

1 min straight arm row

foam roll knees

1 min row (20/20/20)

10ea knee circles

10 calf raises

10 toe lifts

10ea db hip flexion

10 alternating box step ups

½ kneeling scap wraps

½ kneeling arnolds press

10 little hops

10 big hips

3 box jumps

3ea db push press

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

4 sets:

3:00 AMRAP

10/8 Calorie Row

10 Box Jumps (20)

10 Dumbbell Push Press (50s/35s)

– Rest 90 seconds between sets. When starting the next set, resume where you left off.

Shooting to get 2+ rounds per AMRAP. Finish the row in under a minute. Choose a weight on the db’s so that you can go unbroken


2-3 rounds for quality:

30 DB Plank Drag Thrus

15ea H-Sit Oblique Twists


1 Min Calf Foam Rolling

1 Min Ring Tricep Stretch

15 Adductor Rockbacks