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CFSBMetcon – Wed, Aug 21

By wodify 0

CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon

Warm-up (No Measure)

foam roll calves and shins

20 tippy toe walk

20 heel walk

10 calf raises – slow decent

10ea single leg calf raises – slow decent

50 singles

foam roll lats

:30 sec deadhang

10ea shoulder series

10 plank to downdog

bike/ski :45

5 deadlift

3 shrug

3 highpull

3 muscle

bike/ski :45

5 kip swings – pretty shapes

kip swing + kipping knee raise to hip

kip swing + kipping knee raise to armpit

kip swing + kipping knee raise to arm pit + ttb

kip swing + ttb +kip swing

kip swing + ttb + ttb

take 2 min to practice ttb

20 lofty singles

20 penguin hops

5 tall drops

5 high hang power cleans

5 hang power cleans

10 single single double

take 2 min to practice double unders

3 hang power clean – at workout weight

3 ttb – or whatever doing in the wod

12 du

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12:00 AMRAP

7 Hang Power Clean (95/65)

7 Toes to Bar

21 Double Unders

Looking to go unbroken on movements today and resting during transitions. If you don’t have double unders you will do 42 singles. Looking to finish a round in under 2:00 which will get you 7-8 rds