CFSBMetcon – Fri, Nov 1
CrossFit Steamboat – CFSBMetcon
General Warm-up (No Measure)
bike/ski 2:00
ankle/hip stretches on the box
hip flow
banded monster walks
5 back squat – ¼ pause
5 back squat
10 jump lunges
Back Squat
For load:
Accessory (AMRAP – Reps)
12 min AMRAP:
Box Step Ups
Stretching (No Measure)
1:00 standing pike stretch (feet narrow)
1:00 standing pike stretch (feet wide)
– TRAVEL – (No Measure)
EMOM 21:
Min. 1 | 6-12 dumbbell reverse lunges
Min. 2 | 6-12 dumbbell pause squats
Min. 3 | 6-12 dumbbell good mornings
– Use 1 or 2 dumbbells.
– Use a loading that allows for unbroken sets and sound technique.